
Last updated: 2Β years, 5Β months ago

Engineering is a broad field that offers exciting career opportunities where you'll get to be creative, solve problems and explore how things work.

Application Resources

Here are some general resources related to Engineering. These should be a useful introduction, regardless of which Engineering related course you’re interested in and where you might want to study it.

Question Practice

Practising problem solving is a really great way to challenge your brain, and push yourself beyond the school curriculum. This practice will come in handy in admissions tests and at interview (if applicable), and will also help you work out if engineering is right for you. Think about whether you enjoy the challenge of trickier questions, and practising maths, physics and engineering.

Book: Professor Povey’s Perplexing Problems. This is a brilliant resource for any student considering studying an Engineering-related course at university. The book contains a huge selection of intellectually challenging questions alongside full worked solutions.

Isaac Physics πŸ”— A great selection of extension resources to stretch yourself beyond the A Level (or equivalent) syllabus when preparing for university.

British Physics Olympiad πŸ”— A really good way to demonstrate your interest in Physics and Engineering is to take part in Olympiads.

Physics Lab question bank πŸ”— A huge selection of thought-provoking conceptual questions which should improve your problem-solving skills.

i-want-to-study-engineering πŸ”— 🌟 Have a look at some questions on this website. These questions are very representative of typical interview questions so strongly recommended for both Oxford and Cambridge. The website has been made by the Cambridge Engineering and Computer departments.

Brilliant Daily Challenges πŸ”— Daily problem-solving questions which encourage you to use logic, maths and physics knowledge collectively to work towards a solution.

nrich πŸ”— 🌟 Try some of these problem-solving questions which will help to get you familiar with using more general mathematical knowledge to approach engineering problems. The website is made by the Cambridge Maths department. Unlike i-want-to-study-engineering, these questions are not specific to engineering.


Podcasts are a great way of integrating engineering into your everyday life - listen while you’re doing the dishes or on a walk. This sort of thing is useful for getting you thinking about the value of studying engineering, and could be useful in helping you find new areas of interest, and in writing your personal statement.

Create the Future πŸ”— 🌟 Exploring the skill, creativity and innovation which engineering requires, and highlighting how engineers impact our everyday lives.

The Engineers Collective πŸ”— A huge range of episodes about engineering in the news, from the future of airports to the impact of the climate emergency on the industry.

Engineering Matters πŸ”— 🌟 Investigating the engineering solutions behind the world's biggest challenges, including dealing with nuclear waste and building for biodiversity.

Soft Skills Engineering πŸ”— Engineering is about more than coding! Explore some non-technical aspects of the job.